Bertin Instruments

[White paper]
Best practices for vaccine research
with Precellys homogenizers
& Precellys Emulsion kit

The majority of vaccine studies still rely on the use of animal models. Most often, the efficiency of the vaccine candidate is assessed with the help of molecular biology techniques that require the homogenization of the infected animal tissues.
A great number of vaccines are also based on the use of adjuvants, to boost the immune system's reaction to an antigen.

In this white paper, discover several application notes where the 3D bead beating homogenization method is used to study infected tissues, to obtain high-quality nucleic acids as well as high recovery of viable microorganisms. Discover how the Precellys Emulsion kit can be used to deliver reproducible, high-quality emulsions.

All you need to know about:

Recover live herpes virus from infected mouse ganglia
Maintaining bacterial viability during tissue homogenization
Production of high-quality emulsions with Freund’s adjuvant & Precellys homogenizers
Bertin Instruments

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