Discover the optimisation of the lysing kit selection for 3D bead-beating technology in our exclusive webinar replay.
When using the 3D bead-beating technology, the choice of the bead size and material can greatly affect the disruption energy applied to the sample. The optimal bead density and bead material vary depending on the sample hardness.
In this webinar we present you the challenges of sample preparation and dive right into the optimization of lysing kit with practical examples —watch the replay now!
François D'Hubert
Sample Preparation Product Manager
François d’Hubert frequented the University of Bordeaux in France until the Master graduation where he studied Molecular Biology. He then joined the University of Pisa in Italy to accomplish his PhD. where he developed lentiviral vectors expressing shRNA to target proteins implicated in cancer treatment resistance. After a short period in research, he joined life sciences business occupying various positions notably such as Application Specialist or Assistant Product Manager to finally join Bertin Technologies in 2017 to assume the Precellys Range product management role.