When the ocean is dying, the planet is too... Coral reefs are already heavily affected. As an example the loss of corals will be a disaster for 500 million people who depend on this ecosystem to live and feed themselves.
Advances in research regarding the behavior of the marine world (seeds, eggs, larvae, corals reef, algae…) using proteinmarkers, genetics and direct observations allow researchers to better apprehend the biodiversity and ecological balance. As these researches are characterized by a large variety of life forms, researchers need a flexible tool to prepare their sample before proceeding to molecular downstream analysis. Bertin Instruments offers a broad range of robust, efficient and flexible homogenizers based on the beadbeating technology, to grind any biological sample while maintaining reproducibility amongst biological replicates and eliminating cross-contamination. This instrument is frequently used on research protocols ensuring a fast and efficient sample disruption process.
• Determination of Nutrient Hot spots on coral reefs using A common Macroalgae
• DNA extraction from oyster larvae
• Metabolites extraction from marine sponge–spicules
• Metabolomic study of the red algae chondruscrispus